Africa Map
Map of Africa
The Africa map above shows
the location, latitude, longitude, name, and boundaries of each African
nation or country. African maps such as this can give much information about
the various African countries, such as their capitals, geography, history,
and culture. This is a political map of Africa whose boundaries are man-made
and based on historic events and conflicts rather than the actual
distribution of different ethnic groups or African tribes. To a large
extent, the boundaries and various countries on this Africa map were created
by European colonialists rather than by the various African tribes. Ethiopia
is one of the few African nations that has a history of independence and was
able to resist foreigners. Today, Ethiopia has one of the greatest varieties
of traditional indigenous tribes in Africa. There is a great difference
between Northern Africa which is also part of the Mediterranean, and
Sub-Saharan Africa whose native tribes are indigenous to the African
continent. On this Africa map, Note the island of Madagascar to the
southeast of the African Continent. Although physically close to the main
continent of Africa, Madagascar is culturally closer to Polynesia and Asia
and the native tribes speak Austronesian languages.