Tribes List
Ethnic Groups of Africa
An African tribes list should include the largest and well know tribes such
as the Zulu tribe. In addition, an African tribes list should include some
the more interesting and exotic tribes such as the Hamer, Mursi, Himba,
Surma, Herero, Erbore, Afar, Bozo, Karo, Daasanech, Bashada, Nyangatom,
Bambara, Tsemai, Ari, and Bushmen tribes. Among the largest African tribes
one would list the Oromo, Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, as these are some the biggest
indigenous African tribal groups. The Amhara and Somali from the Horn of
Africa are also large ethnic groups having over twenty million individuals
each. The Bantu people should also be included on any African tribes list as
there are over 100 million people who speak Bantu languages. Other well
known African tribes include the Maasai from Kenya and Tanzania who speak
Maa, a language in the Nilo-Saharan language family. The Maasai number about
900,000 people, however it is difficult to obtain an exact number due to the
nomadic lifestyle of the Maasai tribe. One problem with any list of African
tribes is that the same African tribe usually goes by many names. A good
example is the !Kung who are also called the Bushmen, San, Sho, Khwe, and
the Basarwa.